Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Doctor Who Quote of the Week

The Doctor: If we're gonna find their weakness, we need to know where they're from. So, judging by their body shape, that narrows it down to about 5000 planets in travelling distance. Now what else do we know? Information!"
Harriet Jones: They're green.
The Doctor: Narrows it down!
Rose: Good sense of smell.
The Doctor: Narrows it down!
Harriet Jones: They can smell adrenaline.
The Doctor: Narrows it down!
Harriet Jones: The pig technology!
The Doctor: Narrows it down!
Rose: The spaceship in the Thames - you said slipstream engine.
The Doctor: Narrows it down!
Rose: They hunt like it's a ritual.
The Doctor: Narrows it down!
Harriet Jones: Wait! Did you notice when they fart, if you'll pardon the word, it doesn't just smell like a fart, if you'll pardon the word, it's something else, what is it?
Rose: Bad breath!
Harriet Jones: That's it.
The Doctor: Calcium decay! Now that narrows it down!
Rose: We're getting there, Mum!
The Doctor: What else... what else... Hyphenated surnames. Of course! That narrows it down to one planet! Raxacoricofallapatorius!
Mickey Smith: Oh, great, we could write them a letter.

("World War 3", Season 1 New Doctor Who)

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